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Stressed about the idea of going to court? There may be another way.

Our clients have been awarded millions in settlements without ever going to court.

Going in front of a judge to resolve conflicts with family members, business associates, and especially big insurance companies is a scary thought for a lot of people.

Rest assured, no matter what kind of legal challenge you’re facing, there’s always a possibility your case will not have to be heard in court.

What is alternative dispute resolution, and how does it work?

There are three ways to settle a case out of court. Your lawyer can help you determine which one is right for you.


The two sides get together to discuss options frankly and confidentially and come to a mutual agreement.

  • Keeps the process in our control.
  • We can continue with negotiations or walk away at any point.


An unbiased neutral mediator oversees a meeting between all parties in the dispute to see if a settlement can be reached. A mediator is a trained professional who is often, but not always, a lawyer who is an expert in the subject matter.

  • Confidential and informal.
  • There’s no public record of the outcome.


When people cannot resolve a dispute themselves or with the assistance of a mediator, the case can go to arbitration, where a neutral person or panel of people hear the facts and make a binding decision.

  • Parties can choose the decision-maker.
  • The decision is final.

If you’re looking for information on your legal options, contact us for a free consultation.

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