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December 16, 2021|Awards | Firm News
Written by Hammerco Lawyers

Krista Simon appointed to the British Columbia Supreme Court Civil & Family Rules Committee for five-year term.

We are proud to share news that our very own Partner, Krista Simon has been appointed to join the Supreme Court Civil and Family Rules Committee to offer advice on new projects and rules that may impact British Columbians’ access to justice.

The Supreme Court Civil and Family Rules committee provides advice and makes recommendations on changes to the Supreme Court Rules that are fair, sustainable and have the public’s confidence. It also advises the Attorney General on issues affecting access to justice that might be addressed through the court rules.

The Rules Committee evaluates court rules changes proposed by members of the judiciary, the legal profession, government ministries and the public. It engages the legal profession, members of the public and other users of the courts. 

Krista is honored to be appointed for a five-year term and looks forward to collaborating with Committee members and engaging with users of the Courts to advance access to justice.

To read the full news release, head over here.

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