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Hammerco condemns the heinous crimes being committed against the Black community, and mourns with the families of the victims of a system that has been built on racism and injustice.

Remaining silent is not an option. Now is the time to listen, learn and take action.

Here’s what we’re doing as a starting point:

  • offering pro-bono legal advice to the Black community
  • making an immediate donation to the Black Health Alliance
  • providing in-house training on unconscious bias
  • forming a Diversity, Inclusion and Equity committee

For all of you who have been and are affected by racism, we are here for you. We have a responsibility to use our collective resources, knowledge, and platforms to take part in this important conversation and contribute to deep and meaningful change.

More News & Resources

June 19, 2024

Estate matters can be emotionally charged and made more complex when it comes to the question of whether cultural norms and traditions can justify disinheriting one child over another.

May 5, 2024

Special considerations apply to Indigenous estates and wills made by Indigenous persons.

May 1, 2024

This decision protects the ability of individuals who have suffered violence within a marriage to resolve the separation or divorce proceedings without barring them to bring a future claim relating to assault that occ...

April 18, 2024

Hammerco is proud to announce that Partner Krista Simon has been appointed a member of the Judicial Council of the Tsawwassen First Nation for a five-year term.