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October 16, 2024|Class Action
Written by Hammerco Lawyers

Are Tesla Vehicles Truly Safe? Hammerco Lawyers Is Investigating Sudden Acceleration Issues and Misleading Battery Range Claims

For many, Tesla is the face of innovation in the electric vehicle industry, capturing attention with its sleek designs and promises of a cleaner, smarter way to drive. However, recent reports have emerged that challenge the safety and reliability of Tesla’s vehicles.

Hammerco Lawyers LLP has partnered with leading Ontario firm McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP to investigate two potential issues affecting Tesla owners: sudden unintended acceleration (SUA) and misleading battery range estimates. 

If you’ve experienced sudden unintended acceleration or believe you were misled about your vehicle’s range, our class action lawyers are here to help. 

The Acceleration Glitch: Putting Drivers and Pedestrians at Risk

Imagine this scenario: you’re slowly pulling into your garage or a parking spot when suddenly, without warning, your car surges forward uncontrollably. Your foot isn’t on the gas pedal—yet the vehicle shoots forward, nearly colliding with objects or, worse, endangering pedestrians. This issue – where drivers allege the Tesla speeds up all on its own –  has been reported since 2020 when Tesla issued a statement insisting that there is no such thing. However, reports of Tesla vehicles accelerating unexpectedly and without driver input have surfaced repeatedly, with owners describing incidents of unintended surges while driving.

Complaints filed with the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicate that this acceleration glitch happens without warning, leaving drivers unable to react. Tesla has consistently denied the presence of a defect, attributing these incidents to “driver error.” However, a recent report from researcher Dr. Ronald A. Belt suggests that a design flaw in Tesla’s vehicle inverter is the root cause, prompting NHTSA to reopen its investigation into Tesla’s acceleration problems.

Battery Range Deception: Overstated Performance, Under-Delivered Results

Tesla’s marketing has consistently touted impressive driving ranges on a single charge. Howeverrecent reports and ongoing investigations by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) suggest that Tesla may have overstated its vehicle range capabilities, misleading buyers and creating false expectations.

According to Reuters, “Tesla years ago began exaggerating its vehicles’ potential driving distance – by rigging their range-estimating software. The company decided about a decade ago, for marketing purposes, to write algorithms for its range meter that would show drivers “rosy” projections for the distance it could travel on a full battery, according to a person familiar with an early design of the software for its in-dash readouts.

Then, when the battery fell below 50% of its maximum charge, the algorithm would show drivers more realistic projections for their remaining driving range, this person said. To prevent drivers from getting stranded as their predicted range started declining more quickly, Teslas were designed with a “safety buffer,” allowing about 15 miles (24 km) of additional range even after the dash readout showed an empty battery, the source said.”

Based on available news reports, for some Tesla owners, the reality of their vehicle’s performance is falling short of the “rosy” hype. Drivers have reported getting half the range they expected, which they found out only after they started driving. And when they reached out to Tesla for help, a Reuters investigation revealed that the company allegedly created a secret team to suppress complaints and cancel range-related service appointments. 

Consumers rely on accurate information to make informed decisions, especially when it comes to purchasing big-ticket items like electric vehicles. Driving range, or range anxiety, “the fear of running out of power before reaching a charger,” is a key consideration when purchasing an electric vehicle. Is Tesla raising consumer expectations beyond what the cars can deliver? Hammerco Lawyers LLP is investigating whether Tesla knowingly misled its customers and whether buyers are entitled to compensation for the diminished performance of their vehicles.

Why Hammerco Lawyers?

When you’re up against powerful and well-resourced companies, you need a legal team with the experience, grit, and track record of standing up to big business. Hammerco Lawyers LLP has decades of experience in complex litigation and class action lawsuits. We’ve taken on industry giants before and secured results for clients who felt they were up against impossible odds.

Consumers shouldn’t be left holding the bag for safety issues and performance misrepresentations. If you or someone you know has been affected by sudden unintended acceleration or believes you were misled about your vehicle’s range, we want to help.

Our team of experienced class action lawyers is investigating these claims and seeking to hold Tesla accountable. 

Get Involved: Know Your Rights, Explore Your Options

For more information about these ongoing investigations or to share your experience with Hammerco Lawyers LLP, get in touch using the form below. 

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